What are PLW Missions?
PLW Missions are NFTs that can be blended from unwanted common or uncommon cards for a chance to win a Mission Premium Pack. Current missions listed on PLW Blends Page

Before each series, a list of missions will be available up until game time.
- Step 1: Browse the missions and pick the one you like
- Step 2: Collect the required ingredients for the mission NFT
- Step 3: Burn the ingredients to get the mission NFT in your inventory
- Step 4: Watch the series and root for the player or team to complete the mission
- Step 5: If you win the mission, go to step 6, if you lose the mission, sorry, better luck next time boss.
- Step 6: Wait for the Premium Mission Pack to appear in the Blend Page and burn your mission NFT to get the Pack

The Mission Premium Pack is only available by winning missions and has a much higher probability of pulling rarer coins and a slightly high probability of getting rarer cards vs Standard Blue Packs.
5 Card Slots
Each RNG Probability (Common 72.4%) (Uncommon 20%) (Rare 6.8%) (Epic .8%)
1 Coin Slot (Bronze 75%) (Silver 22%) (Gold 2.5%) (Platinum 0.5%)