A new rule was introduced to PLW in Season 6 regarding pitching. Rule 3.05 a) reads: A pitcher’s pivot (back) foot must stay connected with the pitching rubber up until the moment of release. The pitcher may not hop, jump, lunge, or slide forward from the pitching rubber prior to the action of releasing the ball.
While this rule might read as fairly straightforward, there has been some confusion amongst the players about what does, and does not constitute an illegal pitch in this regard. In an effort to clear up some of the confusion, some samples of an illegal and legal pitch have been placed below.

This is a legal pitch. The pitcher’s back foot is in contact with the pitching rubber while the action of releasing the ball is taking place.
Note that the length of the pitcher’s stride towards home plate does not require him to break contact with the pitching rubber prior to releasing the ball.
This is an illegal pitch. The pitcher’s foot has broken contact with the pitching rubber well before the action of releasing the ball has taken place.
Note that the length of the pitcher’s stride towards home plate is what causes the foot to break contact with the pitching rubber prior to releasing the ball.